![]() Welcome to Matter of Inquiry! Our author interview this week is with thriller writer, Nannette Potter, featuring her book, PIERCE THE DARKNESS. Before we get into the questions, Nannette, please tell readers about yourself. ![]() Bio: An adventuress at heart, Nannette Potter lives vicariously through her fearless and impetuous characters, inventing lives balanced on a knife’s edge. PIERCE THE DARKNESS, her debut international thriller, inspired by her Christian faith, was a 2022 Claymore Award finalist. An active member of Sisters in Crime, she lives with her soulmate and husband, Mark, in California’s Central Valley. Something unique or unusual that is not in my bio: “I’ve always wanted to play the cello. Perhaps I’ll write a book or short story with a cellist protagonist and live through her adventures.” Author Contact Links: Nannette Potter website: https://nannettepotter.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095714192374 Instagram: https:instagram.com/authornannettepotter INTERVIEW: JLB: What book/author/ or other person has influenced your writing the most? In what way? NP: I would have to say thriller author James Rollins has influenced my writing. Since discovering his Sigma Force series, I’ve been hooked. He combined all the elements I love in a novel—action, romance, compelling characters, and exotic locations. He blazed the trail for my own book, which I hope readers will find just as compelling. JLB: Do people you know sneak into your books as characters? NP: No. But I do have a funny story about how I created my villain, The Spaniard. I’m a people watcher (I take after my dad). Years ago, while my husband and I were on vacation in Cancun, we saw a man in the swimming pool. He was tall, tanned, in reasonable shape for a fifty-something with long gray hair tied into a ponytail. And he wore speedos. At this particular resort, there were many Europeans speaking various languages. With my imagination in full-tilt, I began to call this man The Spaniard. He reminded me of a Spanish tycoon, out for a little fun, holding court in the swimming pool. A few days later, while in the pool, I heard him say he was from Minnesota! My hubby and I still laugh about the creation of The Spaniard. JLB: Do you write from an outline? NP: Yes! I use a storyboard using a four-act structure (Act Two is broken into two acts). After years of stumbling in the dark and reading books on how to write a novel without learning the how, I finally discovered two books I highly recommend: Screenwriting Tricks for Authors by Alexandra Sokoloff and Write Your Novel From The Middle by James Scott Bell. JLB: How many books do you read in a month? Which genre(s)? Favorite authors? NP: I admit I’m a slow reader. Usually I’m working on my manuscript during the day, so I read in the evening before going to bed. That equates to about one book per month. For nighttime reading, my favorite mystery author is Ann Cleeves—hands-down. For growth in my genre, I read thriller author James Rollins and fiction author Michael Koryta. All are master storytellers, in my humble opinion. JLB: What is your next writing project? Anticipated release date? NP: My work in progress is Book Two of my Blade Broussard trilogy. It took six years (from initial keystroke to print) to hold PIERCE THE DARKNESS in my hands. I’m hoping to release Book Two in June 2024. JLB: Which five trivia questions did you choose to answer? NP: See below.
![]() PIERCE THE DARKNESS Genre: thriller Disgraced impalement artist Genevieve "Blade" Broussard accepts a lucrative job offer from Spanish billionaire René Martel to perform at his villa on Mallorca. After narrowly escaping a kidnapping attempt upon landing on the island, Blade's plight worsens when she discovers the job offer is a ruse to lure her unknown biological mother out into the open. After Blade overhears Martel's scheme to assassinate world leaders at the United Nations in Geneva, she must risk an escape...or die trying. Buy Links Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop Google Play Kobo Apple Books Trailer Link https://www.nannettepotter.com ![]() Welcome to Matter of Inquiry Mystery author Judy Penz Sheluk is with us today, but she won’t be featuring her mysteries (although we hope you’ll hunt them down and read them – try her website!). We’ll be taking a look at her non-fiction writing/publishing reference book and alerting you to a new one coming out late this year. I’m pleased to have you on the blog, Judy. Before we jump into the interview, please tell readers something about yourself. ![]() About the Author: A former journalist and magazine editor, Judy Penz Sheluk is the bestselling author of Finding Your Path to Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide, as well as two mystery series: the Glass Dolphin Mysteries and Marketville Mysteries, both of which have been published in multiple languages. Her short crime fiction appears in several collections, including the Superior Shores Anthologies, which she also edited. Judy is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association, Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and Crime Writers of Canada, where she served on the Board of Directors for five years, the final two as Chair. She lives in Northern Ontario. Something unique/unusual that isn't in your regular bio: “I’m an avid golfer and try to get out 3 times a week during our all-too-short season here in Northern Ontario. Despite my best efforts, I have yet to get a hole in one, but hope springs eternal!” Find her Website at www.judypenzsheluk.com. Facebook: https://business.facebook.com/JudyPenzSheluk/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/wwwjudypenzshelukcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudyPenzSheluk Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/judypenzsheluk/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/judypenzsheluk/ BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/judy-penz-sheluk Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Judy-Penz-Sheluk/e/B00O74NX04 INTERVIEW: JLB: Do you write full-time, or do you have a “day” job? JPS: My day job from 2003 to 2018 was that of a freelance journalist and magazine editor, so I’ve been writing fulltime for several years. I’ve been writing novels (and more recently, reference books on publishing platforms) since 2018 on a fulltime basis. JLB: What inspired your featured book? JPS: My local library had invited me to talk to their NaNoWriMo group about succeeding or failing at NaNoWriMo in 2019. For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it takes place every November. The idea is to write 55,000 (1,666 words/day). As it turned out, no one there really cared or succeeded or failed. All they wanted to know was “What’s next? How do I get published?” That led to a second workshop, which I called Finding Your Path to Publication. There was record attendance, and a couple of months later, the Independent Book Publishers Association was looking for new ideas. I mentioned the presentation and they commissioned an article (in May/June 2022 issue). I realized, then, there was a book that needed writing. So I wrote it. JLB: Are you self-published or traditionally published? How did you make the decision? JPS: I’ve been published by two small presses (one, a Mystery Writer of America approved publisher, now out of business, the other released all authors from their contracts due to health issues). I’m also published by WWL Mystery, a division of Harlequin, which is a division of HarperCollins – they acquired the North American mass market paperback rights to my Marketville and Glass Dolphin mystery series. I’ve also been traditionally published by Sharp Point Press for the Chinese language version of Skeletons in the Attic (book 1 Marketville). And I have a few short stories published in various journals and anthologies. I’m also the owner/publisher of Superior Shores Press, and now publish my novels (as well as three, soon to be four, multi-author anthologies) under that imprint, which I set up in 2018 after being “orphaned” by the small presses. I figured I could do as well or better on my own—I have a business background, I’d already developed a loyal following, and I’m a complete control freak (totally necessary if you want to self-publish). It’s worked out well for me and I’m fortunate to work with the same editor I had with one of the trad publishers, and I found a great graphic artist for my covers. JLB: Do you read reviews of your own books? Do you respond to them? Are you affected by them? JPS: Read them: Always. If someone has taken the time to read my book AND taken the time to write a review, however brief, I owe it to that individual to read what they had to say. Respond to them: Almost never, though I recall one reader’s review, it was ages ago on Goodreads, and she wrote something along the lines of “don’t worry if you thought there was incest, there’s no incest in this book.” And I thought, “WHAT? It’s a cozy mystery, why would anyone think it included incest?” So I posed the question, but never heard back. Do they affect me: I’m human. I love positive reviews and negative reviews always sting a little. But reading is subjective and I also understand that. For example, one day I received a glowing 5-star review (again, on Goodreads) and a 1-star review of the same book. The 1-star said something like “I thought a grade schooler had written this.” It made me laugh out loud. I’ll probably use that line in a novel someday. JLB: What is your next writing project? Anticipated release date? JPS: My next book on self-publishing (titled Self-Publishing: The Ins & Outs of Going Indie) is tentatively scheduled for November 1. JLB: Which of the trivia questions did you pick to answer? JPS: See below.
JLB: It was a pleasure talking with you, Judy. Let’s finish with a look at your featured book and a sneak peek at the cover of your next release. ![]() Finding Your Path to Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide Genre: Writing / Publishing Reference The road to publishing is paved with good intentions…and horror stories of authors who had to learn the hard way. For the emerging author, the publishing world can be overwhelming. You’ve written the book, and you’re ready to share it with the world, but don’t know where to start. Traditional, independent press, hybrid, self-publishing, and online social platforms—all are valid publishing paths. The question is, which one is right for you? Finding Your Path to Publication is an introduction to an industry that remains a mystery to those on the outside. Learn how each publishing option works, what to expect from the process start to finish, how to identify red flags, and avoid common pitfalls. With statistics, examples, and helpful resources compiled by an industry insider who’s been down a few of these paths, this is your roadmap to decide which path you’d like to explore, and where to begin your author journey. Purchase here: https://books2read.com/FindingYourPathtoPublication For details on the contents of Book One, check out the Book Spotlight on my Ally Shields blog at this link: |
AuthorJ L Buck writes in the mystery genre, currenty enthralled with Regency-era England. She is multi-published in paranormal Check out my profile on AllAuthor (including my Ally Shields fantasy books). Here you can read my books' sample chapters, get updates on my books and latest deals, ask me questions, discuss my books and much more. Follow me on AllAuthor.
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